Module Object

The module object describes the load attributes of a module.
Name Attribute Requirement Type Description
AccessorЕxt accessor Recommended String The name of the user who last accessed the object.
Name name Recommended String The name of the file. For example: "svchost.exe", "bin", or "resolv.conf".
Source IPЕxt src_ip Recommended IP Address The IP address of the host where the file resides.
Source NameЕxt src_name Recommended String The name of the host where the file resides.
Load Type load_type_id Recommended Integer The load type identifies how the module was loaded in memory.
1StandardA normal module loaded by the normal windows loading mechanism i.e. LoadLibrary.
2Non StandardA module loaded in a way avoidant of normal windows procedures. i.e. Bootstrapped Loading/Manual Dll Loading.
3ShellCodeA raw module in process memory that is READWRITE_EXECUTE and had a thread started in its range.
4MappedA memory mapped file, typically created with CreatefileMapping/MapViewOfFile.
5NonStandard BackedA module loaded in a non standard way. However, GetModuleFileName succeeds on this allocation.
Extended AttributesЕxt xattributes Optional JSON An unordered collection of zero or more name/value pairs where each pair represents a file or directory extended attribute.

For example: Windows alternate data stream attributes (ADS stream name, ADS size, etc.), user-defined or application-defined attributes, ACL, owner, primary group, etc. Examples from DCS:

  • ads_name
  • ads_size
  • dacl
  • owner
  • primary_group
  • link_name - name of the link associated to the file.
  • hard_link_count - the number of links that are associated to the file.
  • Unix_permissions - Unix permissions notation style for user, group and others to access the file, including notations for setuid, setgid and sticky bit settings. For example "rwxrw-r—", "r-xr-sr-x", "rwxrwxrwt".
Compressed SizeЕxt size_compressed Optional Long The compressed size of the object, in bytes.
Signature FingerprintsЕxt signature_fingerprints Recommended Fingerprint Array The array of fingerprint objects associated with the certificate.
MD5 md5 Recommended String The MD5 checksum of the object content.
ModifierЕxt modifier Recommended String The name of the user who last modified the module.
Reputation Prevalence BandЕxt rep_prevalence_band Recommended Integer The file reputation prevalence fuzzed band number.
0No Users
1Fewer than 5 users
2Fewer than 50 users
3Fewer than 100 users
4Hundreds of users
5Thousands of users
6Tens of thousands of users
7Hundreds of thousands of users
8Millions of users
Company NameЕxt company_name Recommended String The name of the company that published the file. For example: "Microsoft Corporation".
CreatorЕxt creator Recommended String The name of the user who created the module.
ModifiedЕxt modified Recommended Datetime The time when the module was last modified.

Note: The time submission format is the number of milliseconds since 01/01/1970 00:00:00 UTC.

DescriptionЕxt desc Recommended String The description of the file, as returned by file system. For example: the description as returned by the Unix file command or the Windows file type.
Content TypeЕxt content_type Recommended File Content Type The file content type as defined by the STAR "File-typer" engine.
Reputation Discovered BandЕxt rep_discovered_band Recommended Integer The discovery fuzzed band number, expressed as the number of days since discovery.
1Never Seen
2Two days ago
5Five days ago
7A week ago
14Two weeks ago
30A month ago
365A year ago
366More than a year
Security DescriptorЕxt security_descriptor Recommended String The object security descriptor.
Size size Recommended Long The size of the object, in bytes.
Folder IDЕxt folder_uid Recommended String The unique identifier of the folder in which the file resides.
Product PathЕxt product_path Recommended String The path to the product that includes the file.
Reputation DiscoveredЕxt rep_discovered_date Recommended Datetime The Symantec discovery date of the reputed file or URL.

Note: The time submission format is the number of milliseconds since 01/01/1970 00:00:00 UTC.

MIME typeЕxt mime_type Optional String The Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) type of the file, if applicable.
AccessedЕxt accessed Recommended Datetime The time that the file was last accessed.

Note: The time submission format is the number of milliseconds since 01/01/1970 00:00:00 UTC.

Signature Value IDsЕxt signature_value_ids Recommended Integer Array The array of signature values as derived from the Signature Bits.
1SignedThe file contains an embedded digital signature, or its SHA1 hash is contained in a catalog with an embedded digital signature. The validity of the signature is indicated by other Signature Value IDs.
2Code signed
3Class 3 signed
4Symantec signed
5Microsoft signed
6OS component
7Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL) signed
8Signer explicitly untrusted
9Signature has extra data
10Signature uses MD5
11Signature uses SHA-1
12Signature chain not valid
13Signature from catalog
14Hash does not match
15Local trusted certificate
17Well known trusted root certificate
18Heuristically trustworthy
19Symantec internal
20Signature uses SHA-256
21Signature uses SHA-384
22Signature uses SHA-512
23Signer explicitly revoked
25Not yet valid
AttributesЕxt attributes Recommended Integer The bitmask value that represents the file attributes.
Path path Optional String The full path to the file. For example: "c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe".
Signature Company NameЕxt signature_company_name Recommended String The company name on the certificate that signed the file.
Signature IssuerЕxt signature_issuer Recommended String The issuer of the object signature.
Reputation Score BandЕxt rep_score_band Optional Integer The file reputation score fuzzed band number.
1Known BadThe file is malicious.
2High Confidence BadThere is strong evidence that the file is untrustworthy.
3Medium Confidence BadOne or more detection engines have detected the file as malicious
4Trending Bad or UnprovenThere is not enough information about the file; recommended to block.
5UnprovenThere is not enough information about the file to block it
6Low Confidence GoodThere is some evidence that the file is trustworthy.
7Medium Confidence GoodThere is a significant evidence that the file is trustworthy.
8High Confidence GoodSymantec trusts the file.
9Known GoodThe file is trustworthy.
Parent SHA2Еxt parent_sha2 Optional String The SHA-256 checksum of the parent file.
VersionЕxt version Optional String The file version. For example: "8.0.7601.17514".
Signature LevelЕxt signature_level_id Recommended Integer A numeric representation of the signature level. The signature levels are defined by STAR.
20Signed but untrusted
40Class 3 signed
42Developer signed
44Developer notarization signed
46App Store signed
50Symantec signed
60Microsoft signed
70Microsoft OS component
Signature BitsЕxt signature_value Recommended Long The digital signature bitmask.
Type type_id Recommended Integer The file type.
3Hard Link
6Symbolic Link
7Named Pipe
11Memory File
12File in container
SHA-1Еxt sha1 Recommended String The SHA-1 checksum of the object content.
Creator ProcessЕxt creator_process Recommended String The name of the process that created (or downloaded) the file or module.
Normalized PathЕxt normalized_path Optional String The CSIDL normalized path name. For example: "CSIDL_SYSTEM\svchost.exe" (Windows only).
CreatedЕxt created Recommended Datetime The time that the module was created.

Note: The time submission format is the number of milliseconds since 01/01/1970 00:00:00 UTC.

SystemЕxt is_system Optional Boolean The indication of whether the object is part of the operating system.
Attribute IDsЕxt attribute_ids Recommended Integer Array The array of file attributes.
8Read only
9Reparse Point
10Sparse File
13Not Content Indexed
14Block Special
15Character Special
IDЕxt uid Optional String The unique identifier of the file as defined by the storage system, such the file system file ID.
URLЕxt url Recommended Uniform Resource Locator The URL from which the object was downloaded or the URL where the object resides.
Product NameЕxt product_name Recommended String The name of the product that includes the file. For example: "Windows Internet Explorer".
FolderЕxt folder Recommended String The parent folder in which the file resides. For example: "c:\windows\system32".
Reputation PrevalenceЕxt rep_prevalence Recommended Integer The file reputation prevalence, as provided by a reputation query.
SHA-256 sha2 Recommended String The SHA-256 checksum of the object content.
Signature Serial NumberЕxt signature_serial_number Optional String The object serial number.
Load Type load_type Recommended String The load type describes how the module was loaded in memory.
Base Address base_address Recommended String The memory address where the module was loaded.
Reputation Score rep_score Recommended Integer The reputation score of the file.
Signature Created DateЕxt signature_created_date Recommended Datetime The date and time when the signature was created.

Note: The time submission format is the number of milliseconds since 01/01/1970 00:00:00 UTC.

ConfidentialityЕxt confidentiality_id Optional Integer The file content confidentiality indicator.
1Not Confidential
4Top Secret
Original NameЕxt original_name Optional String The original name of the file.
Parent FileЕxt parent_name Optional String The name of the file that contains this file.
OwnerЕxt owner Recommended String The owner of the file.
Signature Developer IDЕxt signature_developer_uid Recommended String The developer ID on the certificate that signed the file.