Job Object

The job object describes the name, command line and state of a scheduled job.
Name Attribute Requirement Type Description
Command Line cmd_line Recommended String The job command line.
CreatedЕxt created Recommended Datetime The time that the job was created.

Note: The time submission format is the number of milliseconds since 01/01/1970 00:00:00 UTC.

Description desc Recommended String The description of the job.
FileЕxt file Recommended File The file that pertains to the job.
Last RunЕxt last_run Recommended Datetime The time that the job was last run.

Note: The time submission format is the number of milliseconds since 01/01/1970 00:00:00 UTC.

Name name Recommended String The name of the job.
Next RunЕxt next_run Recommended Datetime The time that the job will next be run.

Note: The time submission format is the number of milliseconds since 01/01/1970 00:00:00 UTC.

Normalized Command LineЕxt normalized_cmd_line Optional String The CSIDL normalized command line used to launch the startup application, service, process or job (Windows only).
State run_state_id Optional Integer The state of the job.
UserЕxt user Recommended User The user that created the job.