Name | Attribute | Type | Referenced By | Description |
AMSI Risk | risk_ref_value | Integer | The Anti-malware Scan Interface (AMSI) risk level. | |
API | api | API | The API Activity attributes. | |
Access Complexity | access_complexity_id | Integer | The access complexity Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) metric. | |
Access Mask | access_mask | Integer | The access mask in platform-native format. | |
Access Mask Values | access_mask_ids | Integer Array | The access mask values. | |
Access Scope | access_scope_id | Integer | The scope of the requested access. | |
Accessed | accessed | Datetime | The time that the file was last accessed. Note: The time submission format is the number of milliseconds since 01/01/1970 00:00:00 UTC. |
Accessor | accessor | String | The name of the user who last accessed the object. | |
Account Disabled | account_disabled | Boolean | The indication of whether the user's account is disabled. | |
Actor | actor | Process | The process that performed the operation or action on the target object. For example, the process that could have created a new file or violated a policy. | |
Actual Permissions | actual_permissions | Integer Array | The permissions that were granted to the process. | |
Address | address | String | The peripheral device address. | |
Admin Session | is_admin | Boolean | The indication of whether the user or user session is admin/root. | |
Advertised | is_advertised | Boolean | The indication of whether the protocol is advertised by the server. | |
Alert | is_alertable | Boolean | Indicates whether the event should be considered for management server alerting. | |
Algorithm | algorithm | String | The algorithm that was used to create the fingerprint. The valid values are one of the following: "md5", "sha1", or "sha2". | |
Allocated Memory | mem_allocated | Long | The Java Virtual Machine® (JVM) allocated memory (in bytes). | |
Analysis | analysis | String | The anti-malware emulation analysis. | |
Application ID | app_uid | String | The unique identifier of the application that is associated with the event or object. | |
Application Name | app_name | String | The name of the application that is associated with the event or object. | |
Application Version | app_ver | String | The version of the application that is associated with the event or object. | |
Assignee | assignee | String | The name of the user who is assigned to the incident. | |
Attack Vector | attack_vector_id | Integer | The attack vector Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) metric. | |
Attacker IP | attacker_ip | IP Address | The IP address of the malicious network device. The format is either IPv4 or IPv6. | |
Attacks | attacks | Attack Array | The array of attacks that are associated with the event. | |
Attempt | attempt | Integer | The delivery attempt. | |
Attribute IDs | attribute_ids | Integer Array | The array of file attributes. | |
Attributes | attributes | Integer | The bitmask value that represents the file attributes. | |
Audit | audit | Boolean | The audit mode of the event. When true, no remediation actions were performed. | |
Auth Protocol | auth_protocol_id | Integer | The authentication protocol. | |
Authentication | authentication_id | Integer | The authentication Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) metric. | |
Autoscale ID | autoscale_uid | String | The unique identifier of the cloud autoscale configuration. | |
Availability Impact | availability_impact_id | Integer | The availability impact Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) metric. | |
Average CPU | cpu_average | Long | Average CPU. | |
BSSID | bssid | String | The Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID). | |
Banner | banner | String | The initial SMTP connection response that a messaging server receives after it connects to a email server. | |
Base Address | base_address | String | The memory address where the module was loaded. | |
Binding Information | binding | String | The remote procedure call protocol family, hostname, and endpoint connection. | |
CVE | cve | Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures | Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE). | |
CVE ID | cve_uid | String | The common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE) identifier. | |
CVSSV2 | cvssv2 | Common Vulnerability Scoring System V2 | The Common Vulnerabilities Scoring System V2 (CVSSV2) base metrics. | |
Categories | categories | String Array | The array of URL categories. | |
Category | category_id | Integer | The category of the event or object. See specific usage. | |
Category IDs | category_ids | Integer Array | The array of URL categories. | |
Channel | channel_id | Integer | The channel that was used to update the component. | |
Cipher | cipher | String | The encryption algorithm. | |
Cipher Size | cipher_size | Integer | Cipher size of the OpenSSL cipher suite negotiated for the client or server connection. | |
Cipher Strength | cipher_strength | Integer | Strength of the OpenSSL cipher suite negotiated for the client or server connection. | |
City | city | String | The name of the city. | |
Class | class | String | The class of the peripheral device. | |
Classification | classification | String | The threat classification. | |
Classification IDs | classification_ids | Integer Array | The array of threat classifications. | |
Cleartext Credentials | cleartext_credentials | Boolean | Indicates whether the credentials were passed in clear text. Note: True if the credentials were passed in a clear text protocol such as FTP or TELNET, or if Windows detected that a user's logon password was passed to the authentication package in clear text. |
Client Certificate | client_certificate | Certificate | Client certificate details. | |
Client Domain | client_domain | String | The CloudSOC client domain name. | |
Client ID | client_uid | String | The OAUTH 2.0 Client ID. | |
Client User | client_user | String | The CloudSOC client user name. | |
Cloud Resource ID | cloud_resource_uid | String | The unique identifier of the cloud resource. | |
Collected Time | log_time | Datetime | The time that the system collected the event. Note: The internal time format is the number of milliseconds since 01/01/1970 00:00:00 UTC. |
Collector Device IP | collector_device_ip | IP Address | The IP address of the collector device in either IPv4 or IPv6 format. | |
Collector Device Name | collector_device_name | String | The name of the collector device. | |
Collector ID | collector_uid | String | The unique identifier of the collector. | |
Collector Name | collector_name | String | The name of the collector. | |
Command ID | command_uid | String | The unique command identifier. | |
Command Line | cmd_line | String | The command line used to launch the startup application, service, process or job. | |
Command Name | command_name | String | The command that pertains to the event or object. | |
Command Reference ID | command_ref_uid | String | The command identifier that corresponds to the original command identifier. | |
Comment | comment | String | The user-provided comment. | |
Company Name | company_name | String | The name of the company that published the file. For example: "Microsoft Corporation". | |
Compliance Rule | compliance_rule | Compliance Rule | The compliance rule that pertains to the event. | |
Compliant Device | device_is_compliant | Boolean | The event occurred on a compliant device. | |
Component | component | String | The name or relative pathname of a subcomponent of the data object, if applicable. For example: attachment.doc, attachment.zip/bad.doc, or part.mime/part.cab/part.uue/part.doc. | |
Composite Event | composite | Integer | The type of composite event. See the Event Logging API for more information. | |
Compressed Size | size_compressed | Long | The compressed size of the object, in bytes. | |
Conclusion | conclusion | String | The conclusive description of the events that are associated with the incident. | |
Confidentiality | confidentiality_id | Integer | The file content confidentiality indicator. | |
Confidentiality Impact | confidentiality_impact_id | Integer | The confidentiality impact Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) metric. | |
Configuration | config_path | String | The file or registry key that holds the startup application configuration. | |
Connection | connection | Network Connection | The network connection object that pertains to the event. | |
Connection Direction | connection_direction_id | Integer | The direction of the initiated connection. | |
Connection Reference Identifier | connection_ref_uid | String | The reference to the network connection object that pertains to the event. | |
Container | container | Container | The container that pertains to the event. | |
Container Network Information | networks | Network Info Array | The network information objects that are associated with the container, one for each MAC address/IP address combination. Note: The first element of the array is the network information that pertains to the event. |
Content Type | content_type_id | Integer | The type of the content to which the update pertains. | |
Content Type | content_type | File Content Type | The file content type as defined by the STAR "File-typer" engine. | |
Continent | continent | String | The name of the continent. | |
Coordinates | coordinates | Float Array | A two-element array, containing a longitude/latitude pair. The format conforms with GeoJSON. For example: [-73.983, 40.719]. | |
Correlation ID | correlation_uid | String | The unique identifier used to correlate events. | |
Count | count | Integer | The count related to the event or object. | |
Country | country | String | The ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code. For the complete list of country codes see ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes. Note: The two letter country code should be capitalized. For example: "US" or "CA". |
Create Mask | create_mask | Integer | The create disposition mask. | |
Create Mask | create_mask_id | Integer | The Windows setting that is required to create the object. | |
Created | created | Datetime | The time that the object was created. See specific usage. Note: The time submission format is the number of milliseconds since 01/01/1970 00:00:00 UTC. |
Creator | creator | String | The name of the user who created the object. See specific usage. | |
Creator Process | creator_process | String | The name of the process that created (or downloaded) the file or module. | |
Criteria | criteria_id | Integer | The criteria that is associated with the rule. | |
Current Location | curr_location | Location | The current location. | |
Current Version | curr_ver | String | The updated version of the code, content, configuration or policy. | |
Customer ID | customer_uid | String | The unique customer identifier. | |
Customer Registry ID | customer_registry_uid | String | The unique Symantec customer registry identifier. | |
CybOx | cybox | Cyber Observable eXpression | The Cyber Observable eXpression (CybOX TM) attributes. | |
DKIM Domain | dkim_domain | String | The DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) signing domain of the email. | |
DKIM Signature | dkim_signature | String | The DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) signature used by the sending/receiving system. | |
DKIM Status | dkim_id | Integer | The DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) status of the email. | |
DLP Rule Type | dlp_type_id | Integer | The Data Loss Protection specific rule type. | |
DMARC Override | dmarc_override | String | The Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC) override action. | |
DMARC Policy | dmarc_policy_id | Integer | The Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC) policy.. | |
DMARC Status | dmarc_id | Integer | The Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC) status of the email. | |
Data | data | String | The data that is associated with the event or object. See specific usage. | |
Data Center Region | dc_region | String | The data center region, as defined by the cloud vendor. | |
Data Size | data_size | Integer | The size of the data prior to truncation. | |
Days Left | days_left | Integer | The number of days that remain before the license or certificate expires. | |
Default Value | is_default_value | Boolean | The indication of whether the value is from a default value name. For example, the value name could be missing. | |
Description | desc | String | The description that pertains to the object. See specific usage. | |
Destination Endpoint Application | dst_endpoint_app | Application Service | Application details on the destination host. | |
Destination IP | dst_ip | IP Address | The IP address of the destination network connection device. The format is either IPv4 or IPv6. | |
Destination Location | dst_location | Location | Reports the location of the IP address to which the Web Security Service connected. | |
Destination MAC | dst_mac | String | The MAC address of the destination network connection device. | |
Destination Name | dst_name | String | The host name of the destination network connection device. | |
Destination Port | dst_port | Integer | The port number of the destination network connection. | |
Destination Service | dst_service | String | The destination network connection service name. | |
Detection ID | detection_uid | String | The associated unique detection event identifier. For example: detection response events include the Detection ID of the original event. | |
Detection Time | detected | Datetime | The time that the threat was detected. | |
Detection Type | detection_type | String | The incident detection type. | |
Detection Version | content_ver | String | The version of the detection engine or signature content. Note: AV, SONAR, and IPS have differing version string formats. |
Detections | num_detections | Integer | The number of detections. | |
Device Alias | device_alias_name | String | The alternate device name, ordinarily as assigned by an administrator. | |
Device BIOS Date | device_hw_bios_date | String | The BIOS date. For example: "03/31/16". | |
Device BIOS Manufacturer | device_hw_bios_manufacturer | String | The BIOS manufacturer. For example: "LENOVO". | |
Device BIOS Version | device_hw_bios_ver | String | The BIOS version. For example: "LENOVO G5ETA2WW (2.62)". | |
Device Caption | device_cap | String | A short description or caption of the device. For example: "ATP Scanner 1 " or " CSP Manager". | |
Device Cloud VM | device_cloud_vm | Cloud Hosted VM | The cloud-hosted virtual machine. | |
Device Description | device_desc | String | The description of the device, ordinarily as reported by the operating system. | |
Device Domain | device_domain | String | The network domain where the device resides. For example: "internal.somecompany.com". | |
Device Domain ID | device_domain_uid | String | The unique identifier of the domain where the device resides. | |
Device End Time | device_end_time | Datetime | The time of the last aggregated event. Note: The time submission format is the number of milliseconds since 01/01/1970 00:00:00 UTC, and this value must be greater than or equal to the Device Time (device_time) value. |
Device Gateway | device_gateway | IP Address | The gateway IP address. For example: "". | |
Device Group | device_group | String | The full path of the group to which the device belongs. For example: West Coast\Windows Laptops. | |
Device Group Name | device_group_name | String | The name of the leaf group to which the device belongs. For example: Windows Laptops. | |
Device ID | device_uid | String | The unique identifier of the device. | |
Device IMEI | device_imei | String | The International Mobile Station Equipment Identifier that is associated with the device. | |
Device IP Address | device_ip | IP Address | The IP address that pertains to the event, in either IPv4 or IPv6 format. Note: Because the IP address of a device can change, the IP address must be captured when the event occurs, which may be different from when the event is sent. If additional network information is pertinent to the event, also populate Device Network Information (device_networks). |
Device Location | device_location | Location | The location of the device at the time of the event. | |
Device MAC Addresses | device_mac | String | The Media Access Control (MAC) address that is associated with the device. | |
Device MD5 | device_name_md5 | String | The MD5 hash of the device name. Note: The hash must be of the lower-case device name. |
Device Name | device_name | String | The name of the device originating the event. Note: The Device Name is ordinarily the host name, but could be any other string that helps to identify the device, such as a phone number; for example "computer.domain" or "310.555.1234". |
Device Network Information | device_networks | Network Info Array | The network information objects that are associated with the device, one for each MAC address/IP address combination. Note: The first element of the array is the network information that pertains to the event. |
Device OS | device_os_name | String | The name of the operating system running on the device from which the event originated. For example: "Windows 10 Home Basic", "Mac OS X", "iOS", or "Android". | |
Device OS Bits | device_os_bits | Integer | The number of processor bits. For example: 64 or 128. | |
Device OS Build | device_os_build | String | The operating system build number. | |
Device OS Country Code | device_os_country | String | The operating system country code as defined by the ISO 3166-1 standard (Alpha-2 code). For the complete list of country codes, see ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes. | |
Device OS Edition | device_os_edition | String | The operating system edition. For example: "Professional". | |
Device OS Integrity Protection | device_os_integrity_protection | Boolean | The operating system integrity protection status. | |
Device OS Language | device_os_lang | String | The lowercase two-letter ISO language code as defined by ISO 639-1. For example: "en", "de", or "fr". | |
Device OS Service Pack | device_os_sp_name | String | The name of the latest Service Pack. | |
Device OS Service Pack Version | device_os_sp_ver | String | The version number of the latest Service Pack. | |
Device OS Type | device_os_type_id | Integer | The type of the operating system. | |
Device OS Version | device_os_ver | String | The version of the OS running on the device that originated the event. For example: "Windows 10", "OS X 10.7", or "iOS 9". | |
Device Org Unit | device_org_unit | String | The name of the org unit to which the device belongs. | |
Device Org Unit ID | org_unit_uid | String | The unique identifier of the organizational unit. | |
Device Processor Type | device_hw_cpu_type | String | The processor type. For example: "x86 Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 5". | |
Device Proxy IP | device_proxy_ip | IP Address | The proxy IP address. | |
Device Proxy Name | device_proxy_name | String | The proxy host name. For example: "localproxy". | |
Device Public IP | device_public_ip | IP Address | The public IP address. Note: The Device Public IP is populated with the value of the x-forwarded-for message header, if present. . |
Device Reference ID | device_ref_uid | String | The unique reference identifier of the device. | |
Device Site | device_site | String | The name of the site to which the device belongs. | |
Device Subnet | device_subnet | IP Address | The subnet IP address. For example: "". | |
Device Time | device_time | Datetime | The time that the event occurred at the device. Note: The time submission format is the number of milliseconds since 01/01/1970 00:00:00 UTC. The event producer or the event collection agent that detects the event provides the event Device Time. |
Device Type | device_type | String | The type of device originating the event. For example: "unknown", "server", "desktop", "laptop", "tablet", "mobile", "virtual", "browser", or "other". | |
Device Virtual Host Type | device_vhost_id | Integer | The device virtual host type. | |
Device Virtual Host Type String | device_vhost | String | The device virtual host type string. | |
Direction | direction_id | Integer | Direction of the traffic that was detected by an IPS detection. | |
Directory | directory | File | The directory that pertains to the event. | |
Directory Result | directory_result | File | The directory that is the result of the event. | |
Display Name | display_name | String | The service display name. | |
Displayed Text | displayed_text | String | The information that is displayed to the user that describes the impact of a client side override action. | |
Domain | domain | String | The name of the domain. | |
Domain ID | domain_uid | String | The unique domain identifier. | |
Domains | domains | String Array | The domains that pertain to the event. See specific usage. | |
Download Bytes | bytes_download | Long | The number of bytes downloaded from the source to the destination. | |
Duration | duration | Integer | The duration of the scan (seconds). | |
Effective Date | effective_date | Datetime | The date and time that the specific policy and rule was applied and became operational. Note: The time submission format is the number of milliseconds since 01/01/1970 00:00:00 UTC. |
The email that pertains to the event. | ||||
Email Attacks | email_attacks | JSON Array | The email threat analytics report. | |
Email Authentication | email_auth | Email Auth | The SPF, DKIM and DMARC attributes of an email. | |
Email ID | email_uid | String | The unique identifier of the email, used to correlate related email detection and activity events. | |
Emails | emails | Email Array | The emails that pertain to the event. See specific usage. | |
End Time | end_time | Datetime | The end time that pertains to the event or object. See specific usage. Note: The time submission format is the number of milliseconds since 01/01/1970 00:00:00 UTC. |
Entity | entity | Managed Entity | The managed entity that pertains to the event. | |
Entity Result | entity_result | Managed Entity | The updated managed entity. | |
Environment ID | environment_uid | String | The unique identifier of the provisioned environment. | |
Environment Name | environment_name | String | The environment in which the event occurred such as Production, Test, Development, Load. | |
EoC Remediation Request | eoc_request | JSON | An object describing the Evidence of Compromise (EoC) remediation request. | |
Error Files | num_errors | Integer | The number of files with either scanning or remediation errors. | |
EtherType | ether_type | Integer | The EtherType indicates which protocol is encapsulated in the payload of an Ethernet frame. | |
Event Duration | event_duration | Long | Time taken (in milliseconds) to process the request (from the first byte of client request data received by the proxy to the last byte sent by the proxy to the client including all of the delays by ICAP and so on). | |
Event ID | event_id | Integer | The event ID identifies the event's semantics, structure and outcome. | |
Event Time | time | Datetime | The event occurrence time (Device Time) adjusted to the server clock. Note: The internal time format is the number of milliseconds since 01/01/1970 00:00:00 UTC. |
Event Unique ID | uuid | String | The system-assigned unique identifier of an event occurrence. | |
Events | events | JSON Array | The additional events that pertain to the event or incident. | |
Events per Second | throughput_eps | Integer | The number of events processed per second. | |
Exception | status_exception | String | The operating system exception message. | |
Extended Attributes | xattributes | JSON | An unordered collection of zero or more name/value pairs where each pair represents a file or directory extended attribute. For example: Windows alternate data stream attributes (ADS stream name, ADS size, etc.), user-defined or application-defined attributes, ACL, owner, primary group, etc. Examples from DCS:
Extension | extension | String | Document extension from the original URL requested. | |
External Account ID | external_account_uid | String | The user's external account unique identifier. | |
External ID | external_uid | String | The user's external unique identifier. | |
Facility | facility | String | The subsystem or application that is providing the event data. | |
Facility Detail | facility_detail | String | Additional detail about the source facility. For example, details could include a the name of a particular application instance (such as a database name) or a path to a monitored log file. | |
Facility ID | facility_uid | String | The unique identifier of the facility. | |
Family | family_id | Integer | The top level file classification. | |
Feature ID | feature_uid | String | The unique identifier of the feature originating the event. | |
Feature Name | feature_name | String | The name of the feature originating the event. Note: The Feature Name is ordinarily defined by the product SKU, but it could be any other name that identifies the software component originating the event. For example: "Live Update". |
Feature Path | feature_path | String | The path of the feature originating the event. | |
Feature Type | feature_type | String | The type of feature. | |
Feature Version | feature_ver | String | The version of the feature originating the event. For example: "2014.1.3.64". | |
File | file | File | The file that pertains to the event or object. See specific usage. | |
File Diff | file_diff | String | File content differences used for change detection. For example, a common use case is to identify itemized changes within INI or configuration/property setting values. | |
File Result | file_result | File | The resulting file object. For example, if a file operation is allowed, the resulting file object can be included in the event. | |
Files | files | File Array | The files that pertain to the event. See specific usage. | |
First Seen | first_seen | Datetime | The initial detection time of the threat. | |
Folder | folder | String | The parent folder in which the file resides. For example: "c:\windows\system32". | |
Folder ID | folder_uid | String | The unique identifier of the folder in which the file resides. | |
Free Memory | mem_free | Long | The Java Virtual Machine® (JVM) free memory (in bytes). | |
From | header_from | String | The email header From values, as defined by RFC 5322. | |
Full Name | full_name | String | The full name of the entity. | |
Gateway IP Address | gateway_ip | IP Address | The gateway IP address. For example: "". | |
Gateway MAC Address | gateway_mac | String | The gateway media access control (MAC) address. | |
Group Description | group_desc | String | The description of the group to which the policy belongs. | |
Group ID | gid | Integer | The administrative group identifier. | |
Group ID | group_uid | String | The unique identifier of the group to which the policy belongs. | |
Group Name | group_name | String | The name of the group to which the policy belongs. | |
Group Name | group | String | The name of the administrative group. | |
Groups | groups | String Array | The administrative groups to which the user belongs. | |
HTTP Status | http_status | Integer | The HTTP status code returned to the client. | |
HTTP User-Agent | http_user_agent | String | The request header that is used to identify the operating system and web browser. | |
Home | home | String | The user's home directory. | |
Host Name | host_name | String | The hostname that pertains to the event or object. See specific usage. | |
Host Name | host | String | The host name of the URL. | |
Host Names | hostnames | String Array | The host names that pertains to the event or object. See specific usage. | |
IANA Service Name | svc_name | String | The service name as defined by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). See Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry. | |
ICAP Reqmod | icap_reqmod | ICAP Reqmod | The array of CybOX ICAP Request Modifications. | |
ICAP Respmod | icap_respmod | ICAP Respmod | The array of CybOX ICAP Response Modifications. | |
ID | uid | String | The unique identifier that pertains to the event or object. See specific usage. | |
IPv4 Address | ipv4 | IP Address | The IPv4 address that is associated with the network interface. | |
IPv4 Addresses | ipv4s | IP Address Array | The IPv4 addresses that pertain to the event. See specific usage. | |
IPv6 Address | ipv6 | IP Address | The IPv6 address that is associated with the network interface. | |
IPv6 Addresses | ipv6s | IP Address Array | The IPv6 addresses that pertain to the event. See specific usage. | |
ISP | isp | String | The name of the Internet Service Provider (ISP). | |
Identifier | id | Integer | The identifier of the entity or the disposition of the event. See specific usage. | |
Idle CPU | cpu_idle | Long | Idle CPU. | |
Image ID | image_uid | String | The container unique image identifier. | |
Image Name | image_name | String | The container image name. | |
Impersonator Customer ID | impersonator_customer_uid | String | The unique customer identifier of the impersonating agent. | |
Impersonator Domain ID | impersonator_domain_uid | String | The unique domain identifier of the impersonating agent. | |
Impersonator User ID | impersonator_user_uid | String | The unique user identifier of the impersonating agent. | |
Incident ID | incident_uid | String | The incident unique identifier. | |
Incident URL | incident_url | String | The URL used to access the original incident. | |
Injection Type | injection_type_id | Integer | The process injection method. | |
Instance ID | instance_uid | String | The unique identifier of the instance that pertains to the event or object. See specific usage. | |
Integrity Impact | integrity_impact_id | Integer | The integrity impact Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) metric. | |
Integrity Level | integrity_id | Integer | The process integrity level (Windows only). | |
Interface ID | interface_uid | String | The unique identifier of the remote procedure call interface. | |
Interface Version | interface_ver | String | The remote procedure call interface version. | |
Interpreter | interpreter | String | The script interpreter used. For example: "CMD", "POWERSHELL", "VBSCRIPT", "JAVASCRIPT". | |
Issuer Keyring | issuer_keyring | String | Issuer for forged certificates. | |
Issuer Keyring Alias | issuer_keyring_alias | String | Key alias name in HSM issuer for forged certificates. | |
Issuer Name | issuer_name | String | The certificate issuer name. | |
Issuer Organization | issuer_organization | String | The certificate issuer organization. | |
Job | job | Job | The job object that pertains to the event. | |
Kernel | kernel | Kernel Resource | The kernel resource object that pertains to the event. | |
Key Length | key_length | Integer | The length of the encryption key. | |
Kilobytes per Second | throughput_kbps | Integer | The number of kilobytes of data processed per second (kB/s). | |
Label | label | String | The label set for the policy. | |
Last Run | last_run | Datetime | The last run time that pertains to the event. See specific usage. Note: The time submission format is the number of milliseconds since 01/01/1970 00:00:00 UTC. |
Last Written | last_write | Datetime | The last write time that pertains to the event or object. See specific usage. Note: The time submission format is the number of milliseconds since 01/01/1970 00:00:00 UTC. |
License | license | License Information | The license information that pertains to the event. | |
Lineage | lineage | String Array | The lineage of the actor process. | |
Load Type | load_type_id | Integer | The load type identifies how the module was loaded in memory. | |
Load Type | load_type | String | The load type describes how the module was loaded in memory. | |
Loaded Module | loaded_module_name | String | The name of the module loaded by the service. | |
Loaded Modules | loaded_modules | String Array | The list of loaded module names. | |
Local | local | Boolean | The indication of whether the connection is between two endpoints on the same device. For example, if Source IP (src_ip) and Destination IP (dst_ip) could be the same. | |
Log Level | log_level | String | The log level as reported by the logger subsystem. | |
Log Name | log_name | String | The name of the database, index, or archive where the event was logged. | |
Logging Device ID | logging_device_ref_uid | String | The unique identifier of the device that collects logs from other devices. | |
Logging Device IP | logging_device_ip | IP Address | The IP address of the device that logged the event. | |
Logging Device Name | logging_device_name | String | The name of the device that logged the event. | |
Logging Device Time | logging_device_post_time | Datetime | The time when the event was logged by the logging device. Note: The time submission format is the number of milliseconds since 01/01/1970 00:00:00 UTC. |
Logon Name | logon_name | String | The logon name of the entity. | |
Logon Type | logon_type_id | Integer | The type of logon. | |
MAC Address | mac | String | The MAC address that is associated with the network interface. | |
MAC Addresses | macs | String Array | The MAC addresses that are associated with the network interface. See specific usage. | |
MD5 | md5 | String | The MD5 checksum of the object content. | |
MIME type | mime_type | String | The Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) type of the file, if applicable. | |
Major Device Class | major_device_class | String | The peripheral device usage category. | |
Maximum Memory | mem_max | Long | The Java Virtual Machine® (JVM) maximum memory (in bytes). | |
Message | message | String | The description of the event. | |
Message Code | message_code | String | The coded string representation of the message, ordinarily used for trouble shooting. | |
Message ID | message_id | String | The numeric representation of the message, ordinarily used for translation purposes. | |
Message ID | header_message_id | String | The email header Message-Id value, as defined by RFC 5322. | |
Metadata | metadata | JSON | Request or Response header details. | |
Method | method | String | The HTTP method used in the URL request. | |
Model | model | String | The peripheral device model. | |
Modified | modified | Datetime | The time when the object was last modified. See specific usage. Note: The time submission format is the number of milliseconds since 01/01/1970 00:00:00 UTC. |
Modifier | modifier | String | The name of the user who last modified the object. See specific usage. | |
Module | module | Module | The module that pertains to the event. | |
Module Type | module_type | String | The type of module. | |
Name | name | String | The name of the entity. See specific usage. | |
Namespace | namespace | String | The namespace containing the class. | |
Net Detection ID | net_detection_uid | String | The unique identifier of the network detection event that is associated with this event. | |
Network Information | network | Network Info | The network information object that is associated with the event. | |
Next Run | next_run | Datetime | The next run time that pertains to the event. See specific usage. Note: The time submission format is the number of milliseconds since 01/01/1970 00:00:00 UTC. |
Normalized Command Line | normalized_cmd_line | String | The CSIDL normalized command line used to launch the startup application, service, process or job (Windows only). | |
Normalized Path | normalized_path | String | The CSIDL normalized path name. For example: "CSIDL_SYSTEM\svchost.exe" (Windows only). | |
OCSP Status Detail | ocsp_status_detail | String | Errors observed during OCSP check of server certificate. | |
OS Code | status_os | String | The operating system result code. | |
OS Code Source | status_os_src | Integer | The indication of whether the OS Code (status_os) returned to the application for the requested operation was returned by the OS (0) or generated by the security product (1). | |
OS Name | os_name | String | The container operating system name. | |
On Premises | on_premises | Boolean | The indication of whether the location is on premises. | |
Open Mask | open_mask_id | Integer | The Windows setting that is required to open the object. | |
Open Mode | open_mode | Boolean | The mode in which the file or folder was opened. | |
Operation | operation | String | The operating system operation that initiated the event. | |
Operation Number | interface_op | Integer | The remote procedure call interface operation number. | |
Original Data | orig_data | String | The pre-normalized event data. | |
Original Event ID | ref_orig_uid | String | The unique identifier of the external event that corresponds to Reference Event ID (ref_uid) ,if applicable. | |
Original Name | original_name | String | The original name of the file. | |
Override Duration | override_duration | Integer | The length in minutes for the override action to remain in place until restored upon expiration of time. If not provided it implies infinite duration of policy enforcement or until such time as another policy action occurs. | |
Owner | owner | String | The owner of the file. | |
Owner | data_owner_name | String | The name of the data owner. | |
Owner Email | data_owner_email | String | The email address of the data owner. | |
Parameters | parameters | JSON | An unordered collection of name/value pairs where each pair represents parameters associated with the API. | |
Parent Categories | parent_categories | String Array | The array of parent URL categories. | |
Parent File | parent_name | String | The name of the file that contains this file. | |
Parent Process | parent | Process | The parent process of the process associated with the event. See specific usage. | |
Parent SHA2 | parent_sha2 | String | The SHA-256 checksum of the parent file. | |
Password Expires | password_expires | Boolean | The indication of whether the user's password is configured to expire. | |
Path | path | String | The path that pertains to the event or object. See specific usage. | |
Peripheral Device | peripheral_device | Peripheral Device | The peripheral device that pertains to the event. | |
Personal Device | device_is_personal | Boolean | The event occurred on a personal device. | |
Policy | policy | Policy | The policy that pertains to the event. | |
Policy Change Type | change_type_id | Integer | The reason for the policy change. | |
Port | port | Integer | The port that is associated with the event or object. See specific usage. | |
Previous Location | prev_location | Location | The previous location. | |
Previous Security Level | prev_security_level_id | Integer | The previous security level of the entity. | |
Previous Security States | prev_security_state_ids | Integer Array | The previous security states of the entity. | |
Previous Users | previous_users | String Array | An ordered list of the previous user names used within in the session, from latest to earliest. | |
Previous Version | prev_ver | String | The pre-update version of the code, content, configuration or policy. | |
Print Job | print_job | String | The name of the print or FAX job. | |
Printer | printer | Printer | The printer associated with the event. | |
Priority | priority_id | Integer | The incident priority. | |
Privileges | privileges | String Array | The user privileges. | |
Process | process | Process | The process that pertains to the event. | |
Process ID | pid | Integer | The process identifier, as reported by the operating system. | |
Product Data | product_data | JSON | The event attributes that are specific to the reporting product. | |
Product ID | product_uid | String | The unique identifier of the product originating the event. | |
Product Language | product_lang | String | The two letter lower case language codes as defined by ISO 639-1. For example: "en" (English), "de" (German), or "fr" (French). | |
Product Name | product_name | String | The name of the product that pertains to the event or object. See specific usage. | |
Product Path | product_path | String | The path to the product that includes the file. | |
Product Version | product_ver | String | The version of the product. Note: The version is as defined by the product SKU, originating the event. For example: "2013.1.3-beta". |
Protocol | protocol_id | Integer | The network protocol as defined by RFC1340. For example: TCP=6 and UDP=17. | |
Protocol Version | protocol_version | Integer | The version of the network protocol. | |
Provider | provider | String | The origin of the reputation and category information. For example: "CAS", "CASMA", "Cynic", "Skeptic", or "Synapse". | |
Proxy Connection | proxy_connection | Network Connection | If a proxy connection is present, the connection from the proxy server to the remote destination server. | |
Proxy Device IP | proxy_device_ip | IP Address | The IP address of the proxy device that is collecting events from other devices. For example: the IP address of a Windows Domain controller. The format is either IPv4 or IPv6. | |
Proxy Device Name | proxy_device_name | String | The name of the proxy device that is collecting events from other devices. | |
Public Network | is_public | Boolean | The indication of whether the network interface is a public IP address. | |
Published | published | Datetime | The date and time the CVE Record was first published in the CVE List. | |
Quarantine ID | quarantine_uid | String | The unique identifier of the item that was quarantined or restored from quarantine. | |
Query | query | String | The query portion of the URL. For example: the query portion of the URL "http://www.example.com/search?q=bad&sort=date" is "q=bad&sort=date". | |
RPC | rpc | Remote Procedure Call | The RPC object that pertains to the network connection. | |
Raw Data | raw_data | String | The event data as received. | |
Raw Header | raw_header | String | The email authentication header. | |
Reason | reason | String | The reason for the detection. | |
Reason | reason_id | Integer | The reason for the detection. | |
Recipient | recipient | String | The Click-time protection email to address. | |
Recovery Key ID | recovery_key_uid | String | The unique identifier of the recovery key of the volume. | |
Reference Event ID | ref_uid | String | The unique external original message or event identifier that was used to record the event. For example: the Windows Event Log Event ID, the SEPM event UID, or the SYSLOG msgid. | |
Reference Event Log Name | ref_log_name | String | The log name of the reference event. | |
Reference Event Log Time | ref_log_time | Datetime | The log time of the reference event. Note: The time submission format is the number of milliseconds since 01/01/1970 00:00:00 UTC. |
Reference Incident ID | ref_incident_uid | String | The unique identifier of the original incident. | |
Reference URL | reference_url | String | The URL associated with the CVE. | |
Referrer | referrer | String | The address accessed prior to this one. | |
Referrer Categories | referrer_categories | String Array | All content categories of the Referrer header URL. | |
Referrer Category IDs | referrer_category_ids | Integer Array | The array of Referrer URL categories IDs. | |
Region | region | String | The alphanumeric code that identifies the principal subdivision (e.g. province or state) of the country. Region codes are defined at ISO 3166-2 and have a limit of three characters. For examples, see the region codes for the US. | |
Registry Key | reg_key | Registry Key | The registry key that pertains to the event. | |
Registry Key Result | reg_key_result | Registry Key | The registry key that is the result of the event. | |
Registry Value | reg_value | Registry Value | The registry value that pertains to the event. | |
Registry Value Result | reg_value_result | Registry Value | The registry value that is the result of the event. | |
Remediated | remediated | Boolean | The indication of whether the event was remediated. | |
Remediation | remediation | String | The remediation information. | |
Remediation ID | remediation_uid | String | The unique identifier of the remediation information. | |
Remediation Reference | remediation_ref | String | The reference to remediation information. Note: The information can be either internal or external to the reporting product. |
Remote | remote | Boolean | The indication of whether the session is remote. | |
Remote Device Name | remote_device_name | String | The name of the device associated with the remote process. | |
Remote Host | remote_host | String | The host name of the device associated with the remote session. | |
Remote IP | remote_ip | IP Address | The IP address of the device associated with the remote session. The format is either IPv4 or IPv6. | |
Remote Process | remote_process | Process | The remote process that performed the operation or action on the target object. | |
Reply To | header_reply_to | String | The email header Reply-To values, as defined by RFC 5322. | |
Reputation Discovered | rep_discovered_date | Datetime | The Symantec discovery date of the reputed file or URL. Note: The time submission format is the number of milliseconds since 01/01/1970 00:00:00 UTC. |
Reputation Discovered Band | rep_discovered_band | Integer | The discovery fuzzed band number, expressed as the number of days since discovery. | |
Reputation Prevalence | rep_prevalence | Integer | The file reputation prevalence, as provided by a reputation query. | |
Reputation Prevalence Band | rep_prevalence_band | Integer | The file reputation prevalence fuzzed band number. | |
Reputation Score | rep_score_id | Integer | The reputation score of the URL. | |
Reputation Score | rep_score | Integer | The reputation score of the file. | |
Reputation Score Band | rep_score_band | Integer | The file reputation score fuzzed band number. | |
Request Headers | request_headers | JSON | The additional information associated with and HTTP request. | |
Request ID | request_uid | String | The unique identifier of the request. See specific usage. | |
Requested Permissions | requested_permissions | Integer Array | The permissions that were requested by the process. | |
Requires Device | requires_device | Boolean | True if there is a device associated with the CVE. | |
Resolution | resolution_id | Integer | The incident resolution. | |
Resolutions | num_resolutions | Integer | The number of items that were resolved. | |
Resource | resource | String | The target resource. | |
Resource Connection | resource_connection | Network Connection | The connection that was the target of suspicious or malicious activity by the event actor process. | |
Resource Directory | resource_directory | File | The directory that was the target of suspicious or malicious activity by the event actor process. | |
Resource File | resource_file | File | The file that was the target of suspicious or malicious activity by the event actor process. | |
Resource Identifier | resource_type_id | Integer | The identifier of the target of suspicious or malicious activity by the event actor process. | |
Resource Registry Key | resource_reg_key | Registry Key | The registry key that was the target of suspicious or malicious activity by the event actor process. | |
Resource Registry Value | resource_reg_value | Registry Value | The registry value that was the target of suspicious or malicious activity by the event actor process. | |
Resource Type | resource_type | String | The context in which a resource was retrieved in a web request. | |
Response | response_id | Integer | The response action taken. | |
Response Headers | response_headers | JSON | The additional information associated with and HTTP response. | |
Responsible Actor | responsible_actor | Process | The process that is responsible for triggering the detection. For Example: The untrusted ancestor process or the process that injected a thread into the actor process. | |
Restart Required | restart_required | Boolean | The device requires a restart in order to complete the disposition identified in the "id" field. | |
Return Value | retval | String | The return value of the API that is associated with the event or object. | |
Risk | risk_id | Integer | The cumulative risk rating of the threat as defined by the Foresight policy. | |
Risk | risk | Float | The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) calculated risk. | |
Rule Alert | rule_is_alertable | Boolean | Indicates whether the event should be considered for management server alerting. | |
Rule Category | rule_category_id | Integer | The category to which the rule belongs. | |
Rule Criteria Target | rule_criteria_target | String | The target of the rule criteria. | |
Rule Description | rule_desc | String | The additional information that describes the rule. | |
Rule Group Description | rule_group_desc | String | The additional information that describes the group to which the rule belongs. | |
Rule Group ID | rule_group_uid | String | The unique identifier of the group to which the rule belongs. | |
Rule Group Name | rule_group_name | String | The name of the group to which the rule belongs. | |
Rule ID | rule_uid | String | The unique identifier of the rule that generated the event or was in effect when the event occurred. | |
Rule Name | rule_name | String | The rule associated with the event. See specific usage. | |
Rules | rules | Rule Array | The additional rules that are associated with the policy. | |
Run Count | run_count | Integer | The prefetch file run count. | |
SHA-1 | sha1 | String | The SHA-1 checksum of the object content. | |
SHA-256 | sha2 | String | The SHA-256 checksum of the object content. | |
SMTP From | smtp_from | String | The value of the SMTP MAIL FROM command. | |
SMTP Hello | smtp_hello | String | The value of the SMTP HELO or EHLO command. | |
SMTP To | smtp_to | String Array | The value of the SMTP envelope RCPT TO command. | |
SPF Status | spf_id | Integer | The Sender Policy Framework (SPF) status of the email. | |
SSID | ssid | String | The Service Set Identifier (SSID). | |
SSL Certificate | certificate | Certificate | The certificate that pertains to the event. | |
STIC Control Data ID | stic_schema_id | String | The telemetry submission control data identifier, represented as an 8 byte hexadecimal string. | |
STIC Enterprise IDs | stic_legacy_ent_uids | String Array | The list of Enterprise IDs (related to license entitlement) that have been associated with the device. | |
STIC Hardware ID | stic_hw_uid | String | The device hardware ID. | |
STIC Hardware IDs | stic_legacy_hw_uids | String Array | The list of Hardware IDs that have been associated with the device. | |
STIC IP Hash | stic_ip_hash | String | The STIC hash of the IP address. | |
STIC Machine ID | stic_uid | String | The device Machine ID. | |
STIC Machine IDs | stic_legacy_uids | String Array | The list of Machine IDs that have been associated with the device. | |
STIC PII | stic_has_pii | Boolean | The indication of whether the event has any Personally Identifiable Information (PII). | |
STIC Version | stic_version | String | The version of the STIC library. | |
Sandbox | sandbox_name | String | The name of the containment jail (i.e., sandbox). | |
Scan Coverage Identifier | scan_coverage_id | Integer | Type of scan coverage. | |
Scan End | scan_end | Datetime | The time that the scan ended. Note: The time submission format is the number of milliseconds since 01/01/1970 00:00:00 UTC. |
Scan ID | scan_uid | String | The unique identifier of the scan that is associated with the event. | |
Scan Name | scan_name | String | The administrator-supplied or application-generated name of the scan. For example:
Scan Outcome | verdict_id | Integer | The outcome of the Scan. | |
Scan Start | scan_start | Datetime | The time that the scan started. Note: The time submission format is the number of milliseconds since 01/01/1970 00:00:00 UTC. |
Scan Type | scan_type | String | The type of scan. | |
Scan Type | scan_type_id | Integer | The type of scan. | |
Scanned Archives | num_archives | Integer | The number of archives scanned. | |
Scanned Files | num_files | Integer | The number of files scanned. | |
Scanned Folders | num_folders | Integer | The number of folders scanned. | |
Scanned Network Items | num_network | Integer | The number of network items scanned. | |
Scanned Processes | num_processes | Integer | The number of processes scanned. | |
Scanned Registry Items | num_registry | Integer | The number of registry items scanned. | |
Schedule ID | schedule_uid | String | The unique identifier of the schedule that is associated with the event. | |
Scheme | scheme | String | The scheme portion of the URL. For example: "http", "https", "ftp" or "sftp". | |
Score | score | Float | A CVE score used for prioritizing the severity of the vulnerability. | |
Security Descriptor | security_descriptor | String | The object security descriptor. | |
Security ID | sid | String | The user security identifier (SID). The SID is a unique value of variable length used to identify a trustee. Each user account has a SID issued by an authority, such as a Windows domain controller, and stored in a security database. | |
Security Level | curr_security_level_id | Integer | The current security level of the entity. | |
Security States | curr_security_state_ids | Integer Array | The current security states of the entity. | |
Sender Email | sender_email | String | The email address of the sender. | |
Sender Host Name | sender_host | String | The host name of the sending email server. | |
Sender IP Address | sender_ip | IP Address | The IP address of the sender, in either IPv4 or IPv6 format. | |
Sequence Number | seq_num | Integer | A 32-bit positive number that indicates the order of events sent by the client. Note: The first event that a client sends has a Sequence Number of 1 and the client increments the Sequence Number with each subsequent event. For UNPACK (2) composite events, each event in the events array must have a unique seq_num, such as events[i+1].seq_num = events[i].seq_num + 1. When the sequence number wraps around, based on java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, it must start from 1. The event service records sequence numbers to detect lost events. |
Serial Number | serial | String | The serial number that pertains to the object. See specific usage. | |
Server Certificate | server_certificate | Certificate | Server certificate details. | |
Service | service | Service | The service that pertains to the object. | |
Session | session | Session | The user session that pertains to the event. | |
Session ID | session_id | Integer | The ID of the user session that pertains to the event or object, as reported by the OS. | |
Session ID | session_uid | String | The unique ID of the user session that pertains to the event. | |
Sessions | sessions | Session Array | The user sessions on the device. | |
Severity | severity_id | Integer | The severity of the event. | |
Shell | shell | String | The user's login shell. | |
Signature Bits | signature_value | Long | The digital signature bitmask. | |
Signature Company Name | signature_company_name | String | The company name on the certificate that signed the file. | |
Signature Created Date | signature_created_date | Datetime | The date and time when the signature was created. Note: The time submission format is the number of milliseconds since 01/01/1970 00:00:00 UTC. |
Signature Developer ID | signature_developer_uid | String | The developer ID on the certificate that signed the file. | |
Signature Fingerprints | signature_fingerprints | Fingerprint Array | The array of fingerprint objects associated with the certificate. | |
Signature Issuer | signature_issuer | String | The issuer of the object signature. | |
Signature Level | signature_level_id | Integer | A numeric representation of the signature level. The signature levels are defined by STAR. | |
Signature Serial Number | signature_serial_number | String | The object serial number. | |
Signature Statuses | signature_statuses | String Array | The array of signature statuses. Note: The first element of the array is the result of validating server SSL certificate, the second of which contains the errors observed in the server certificate. |
Signature Value IDs | signature_value_ids | Integer Array | The array of signature values as derived from the Signature Bits. | |
Size | size | Long | The size of the object, in bytes. | |
Skipped | num_skipped | Integer | The number of skipped items. | |
Source | source | Event Source | The monitored source that originated the event. | |
Source Event ID | ref_event | Integer | The event source's event id. | |
Source Event Name | ref_event_name | String | The event source's event name. | |
Source IP | src_ip | IP Address | The source device IP address that pertains to the event or object. The format is either IPv4 or IPv6. | |
Source Location | src_location | Location | The location associated with the client IP address. | |
Source MAC | src_mac | String | The MAC address of the device that initiated the network connection. | |
Source Name | src_name | String | The host name of the source device that pertains to the event or object. | |
Source Port | src_port | Integer | The port number of the source device. | |
Source Service | src_service | String | The source network connection service name. | |
Stack Trace | status_stack_trace | String | The list of calls that the application was making when an exception was thrown. | |
Start Time | start_time | Datetime | The start time that pertains to the event or object. See specific usage. Note: The time submission format is the number of milliseconds since 01/01/1970 00:00:00 UTC. |
Start Type | start_id | Integer | The start type of the service or startup application. | |
Startup Application | startup_app | Startup App | The startup application that pertains to the event. | |
State | state_id | Integer | The state of the event or object. See specific usage. | |
State | run_state_id | Integer | The state of the job or service. See specific usage. | |
States | state_ids | Integer Array | The states that are related to the policy. | |
Status | status_id | Integer | The cross-platform event status. | |
Status | status | String | Request or Response Status. | |
Status Details | status_detail | String | The status details. | |
Sub-feature Name | subfeature_name | String | The name of the sub-feature originating the event. | |
Sub-technique ID | sub_technique_uid | String | The unique identifier of the attack sub-technique, as defined by ATT&CK MatrixTM. | |
Sub-technique Name | sub_technique_name | String | The name of the attack sub-technique, as defined by ATT&CK MatrixTM. | |
Subject | header_subject | String | The email header Subject value, as defined by RFC 5322. | |
Subject City | subject_city | String | The certificate subject city. | |
Subject Country | subject_country | String | The certificate subject country. | |
Subject Email | subject_email | String | The certificate subject email. | |
Subject Name | subject_name | String | The certificate subject name. | |
Subject Org Unit | subject_org_unit | String | The certificate subject organizational unit. | |
Subject Organization | subject_organization | String | The certificate subject organization. | |
Subject State | subject_state | String | The certificate subject state. | |
Subject Street | subject_street | String | The certificate subject street. | |
Subnet ID | subnet_uid | String | The unique identifier of the virtual subnet. | |
Subtype | subtype | String | The specific format for the type of data. | |
Subtype Identifiers | subtype_ids | Integer Array | The sub type identification number. | |
Subtype Names | subtypes | String Array | The specific format for the type of data. | |
Summary | summary | String | The summary for generation of the event. | |
Suspected Breach | suspected_breach | Boolean | The indication of whether a breach is suspected. | |
System | is_system | Boolean | The indication of whether the object is part of the operating system. | |
System Activity | activity_id | Integer | The related system activity. | |
System CPU | cpu_system | Long | System CPU. | |
System Call | system_call | String | The system call that was invoked. | |
TCP Flags | tcp_flags | Integer | The network connection TCP header flags (i.e., control bits). | |
TLS | tls | TLS | The Transport Layer Security (TLS) attributes. | |
TLS Policy | tls_policy_id | Integer | The Transport Layer Security (TLS) policy. | |
Tactics | tactic_uids | String Array | The tactics that are associated with the attack technique, as defined by ATT&CK MatrixTM. | |
Tactics | tactic_ids | Integer Array | The tactics that are associated with the attack technique (To be deprecated, use tactic_uids). | |
Target | target | JSON | The target is the object of the Action. | |
Target Name | target_name | String | The target name. | |
Technique ID | technique_uid | String | The unique identifier of the attack technique, as defined by ATT&CK MatrixTM. For example: T1189. | |
Technique Name | technique_name | String | The name of the attack technique, as defined by ATT&CK MatrixTM. For example: Drive-by Compromise. | |
Thread ID | tid | Integer | The Identifier of the thread associated with the event, as returned by the operating system. | |
Thread Name | status_thread_name | String | The name of the thread that pertains to the status. | |
Threat | threat | Threat | The primary threat identified by the event. Note: The primary threat may be the first threat found by the detection engine, or it may be the most severe threat found. The client determines the primary threat. |
Threat Sub ID | sub_id | Integer | The threat sub identifier as reported by the detection engine. Note: Pertains only to IPS threats. |
Threats | threats | Threat Array | The additional threats that were detected. | |
Time Zone | timezone | Integer | Returns a Long value that represents the difference in minutes of between the local time in this time zone and the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Ex: In a state adopting daylight time in the Pacific time zone, the Bias is 480 minutes and DaylightBias is -60 minutes. To determine the time in UTC for June 11, 2 A.M. PST, add a Bias of (480/60) hours and a DaylightBias of -(60/60) hours to the local time June 11, 2 A.M. The time in UTC is June 11, 9 A.M. |
Title | title | String | The title associated with the CVE. | |
To | header_to | String Array | The email header To values, as defined by RFC 5322. | |
Top Attacked | top_attacked | JSON Array | The top 20 email accounts in your organization who were intended recipients of malicious emails during the report period. | |
Total | total | Integer | The total number of items. See specific usage. | |
Transaction ID | transaction_uid | String | The unique identifier of the transaction. | |
Trusted | num_trusted | Integer | The number of trusted items. | |
Trusted Device | device_is_trusted | Boolean | The event occurred on a trusted device. | |
Type | type_id | Integer | The type of the object or event. See specific usage. | |
Type String | type | String | The type of the event, object, or value. See specific usage. | |
Types | type_ids | Integer Array | The service type identifiers. | |
URL | url | Uniform Resource Locator | The URL object that pertains to the event or object. See specific usage. | |
URL Text | text | String | THE URL text string. | |
URLs | urls | Uniform Resource Locator Array | The URLs that pertain to the event. See specific usage. | |
Unmanaged Device | device_is_unmanaged | Boolean | The event occurred on an unmanaged device. | |
Unresolved | num_unresolved | Integer | The number of scanned itmes with threats, but no resolution. | |
Upload Bytes | bytes_upload | Long | The number of bytes uploaded from the source to the destination. | |
Used | is_used | Boolean | The indication of whether the TLS is used. | |
Used | used | Integer | The number of items used. | |
User | user | User | The user that pertains to the event or object. See specific usage. | |
User Activity | activity | String | The user activity related to the event. | |
User CPU | cpu_user | Long | User CPU. | |
User ID | user_uid | String | The unique identifier of the user associated with the event. | |
User Name | user_name | String | The name of the user that originated or caused the event (if the event involves a user) or the user on whose behalf the event occurred. | |
User Present | is_user_present | Boolean | The indication of whether the user was logged on at event generation time. | |
Users | users | User Array | The users that belong to the administrative group. | |
VPC ID | vpc_uid | String | The unique identifier of the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). | |
Valid | is_valid | Boolean | The indication of whether the certificate is valid. | |
Value | value | String | The value that pertains to the object. See specific usage. | |
Vendor | vendor | String | The vendor that pertains to the object. See specific usage. | |
Version | version | String | The version that pertains to the event or object. See specific usage. | |
Violations | num_violations | Integer | The number of times the policy or rule was violated. | |
Volume ID | volume_uid | String | The unique identifier of the volume. | |
WMI Instance | wmi_instance | WMI Instance | The WMI instance that pertains to the event. |