Network Information Object

The network information object describes the type, reputation, and associated addresses and service set identifiers of a network interface.
Name Attribute Requirement Type Description
BSSIDЕxt bssid Recommended String The Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID).
Gateway IP AddressЕxt gateway_ip Optional IP Address The gateway IP address. For example: "".
Gateway MAC AddressЕxt gateway_mac Optional String The gateway media access control (MAC) address.
IPv4 Address ipv4 Recommended IP Address The IPv4 address that is associated with the network interface.
IPv6 Address ipv6 Recommended IP Address The IPv6 address that is associated with the network interface.
Public NetworkЕxt is_public Optional Boolean The indication of whether the network interface is a public IP address.
MAC Address mac Recommended String The MAC address that is associated with the network interface.
Reputation Score rep_score_id Recommended Integer The reputation of the network.
1Very Safe
3Probably Safe
4Leans Safe
5May not be Safe
6Exercise Caution
8Possibly Malicious
9Probably Malicious
SSIDЕxt ssid Recommended String The Service Set Identifier (SSID).
Type type_id Recommended Integer The type of network.