Process Object

The process object describes the operating system process that pertains to the event.
Name Attribute Requirement Type Description
Application NameЕxt app_name Optional String A label that may be associated with this process, for example, the name of the containment sandbox assigned to the process or, for login detection events, the login application (ssh, telnet, sql server, etc.)
Application IDЕxt app_uid Optional String The identifier of the application that may be associated with this process
Application VersionЕxt app_ver Optional String The version of the application that may be associated with this process
Command LineЕxt cmd_line Recommended String The command line used to launch the startup application, service, process or job.
File file Recommended File The process file object.
Integrity LevelЕxt integrity_id Optional Integer The process integrity level (Windows only).
4Medium Plus
LineageЕxt lineage Optional String Array The lineage of the actor process.
Loaded ModulesЕxt loaded_modules Optional String Array The list of loaded module names.
ModuleЕxt module Optional Module The module (dll) that is associated with the event.
Normalized Command LineЕxt normalized_cmd_line Optional String The CSIDL normalized command line used to launch the startup application, service, process or job (Windows only).
Process ID pid Recommended Integer The process identifier, as reported by the operating system.
SandboxЕxt sandbox_name Optional String The name of the containment jail (sandbox) assigned by the policy to this process/module.
SessionЕxt session Optional Session The user session from which the process was launched.
Session IDЕxt session_id Optional Integer The user session ID from which the process was launched.
Start TimeЕxt start_time Recommended Datetime The time that the process started.

Note: The time submission format is the number of milliseconds since 01/01/1970 00:00:00 UTC.

Thread ID tid Recommended Integer The Identifier of the thread associated with the event, as returned by the operating system.
Process Unique IDЕxt uid Optional String The unique identifier of the process.
User user Recommended User The user that has launched the process.
Extended AttributesЕxt xattributes Optional JSON An unordered collection of zero or more name/value pairs that represent a process extended attribute.