Startup Application Object

The startup application object describes an application that has associated startup criteria and configuration.
Name Attribute Requirement Type Description
Command Line cmd_line Recommended String The command line used to launch the startup application, service, process or job.
Description desc Optional String The description of the startup application.
Device OS Integrity Protection device_os_integrity_protection Recommended Boolean The operating system integrity protection status.
File file Recommended File The startup application file object.
Name name Recommended String The unique name of the startup application.
Normalized Command LineЕxt normalized_cmd_line Optional String The CSIDL normalized command line used to launch the startup application, service, process or job (Windows only).
Registry Key reg_key Recommended Registry Key The startup application service registry key.
State run_state_id Recommended Integer The service state.
1StoppedThe service is not running.
2Start PendingThe service is starting.
3Stop PendingThe service is stopping.
4RunningThe service is running.
5Continue PendingThe service continue is pending.
6Pause PendingThe service pause is pending.
7PausedThe service is paused.
8Restart PendingThe service needs a restart.
Start Type start_id Recommended Integer The start type of the service or startup application.
0UnknownThe startup type is unknown.
1AutoStarted automatically during system startup.
2BootStarted by the system loader.
3DemandStarted on demand. For example, by the Window service control manager when a process calls the Startservice function.
4SystemStarted by the IoInitSystem function.
6All LoginsStarted on any user login.
7Specific User LoginStarted when on a specific user login.
8Interactive LoginStarted on interactive logins.
9ScheduledStared according to a schedule.
10System ChangedStarted when a system item, such as a file or registry key, changes.
Subtype IDs subtype_ids Optional Integer Array Array of Category Identifiers.
0SystemKernel extension naturally supported by Apple.
1NetworkNetwork extension apps such as content filters, DNS proxies, and VPN clients can be distributed to a user’s Mac as system extensions on macOS.
2Endpoint SecurityES framework can leverage the EndpointSecurity API to monitor and even block system events to better conform with security policies and protect from potential malicious activity.
3DriverDriverKit framework allowing to create drivers for USB, Serial, NIC, and HID devices that users can install on macOS.
4IOIOKit allows apps to access hardware devices and drivers from your apps and services.
Subtypes subtypes Optional String Array Array of Category Identifiers.
Types type_ids Recommended Integer Array The startup application type identifiers.
0UnknownThe type is unknown.
2File System DriverFile system driver.
3Kernel DriverDevice driver.
4Recognized DriverRecognized Driver.
5Own ProcessThe application runs in its own process.
6Shared ProcessThe application shares a process with other services.
7InteractiveThe service can interact with the desktop.
8OtherU/X, OS X service.
9AutoloadThe Mac OS X Autoload Application.
10System ExtensionSystem extension on macOS enables 3rd party to extend the capabilities of macOS.
11Kernel ExtensionKernel extension on macOS includes Apple provided pre-installs and 3rd party installs which enables support for specific hardware or software features not natively suported by macOS.
Vendor vendor Recommended String ID of the Vendor who signed the system extesion.