Transport Layer Security Object

The Transport Layer Security (TLS) object describes the TLS attributes.
Name Attribute Requirement Type Description
Cipher cipher Recommended String The encryption algorithm.
Cipher Size cipher_size Optional Integer Cipher size of the OpenSSL cipher suite negotiated for the client or server connection.
Cipher Strength cipher_strength Optional Integer Strength of the OpenSSL cipher suite negotiated for the client or server connection.
Client Certificate client_certificate Optional Certificate Client certificate details.
Advertised is_advertised Recommended Boolean The indication of whether the protocol is advertised by the server.
Used is_used Recommended Boolean The indication of whether the TLS is used.
Issuer Keyring issuer_keyring Optional String Issuer for forged certificates.
Issuer Keyring Alias issuer_keyring_alias Optional String Key alias name in HSM issuer for forged certificates.
Key Length key_length Recommended Integer The length of the encryption key.
OCSP Status Detail ocsp_status_detail Optional String Errors observed during OCSP check of server certificate.
Server Certificate server_certificate Optional Certificate Server certificate details.
TLS Policy tls_policy_id Recommended Integer The Transport Layer Security (TLS) policy.
Version version Recommended String The protocol version.