Network Connection Object

The network connection object describes the protocol, direction, source, and destination of a network connection or traffic.
Name Attribute Requirement Type Description
Download BytesЕxt bytes_download Recommended Long The number of bytes downloaded from the source to the destination.
Upload BytesЕxt bytes_upload Recommended Long The number of bytes uploaded from the source to the destination.
Connection DirectionЕxt connection_direction_id Optional Integer The direction of the initiated connection.
0UnknownConnection direction is unknown, for example as for a CLOSE operation.
1InboundAccepted an inbound connection
2OutboundInitiated an outbound connection
DirectionЕxt direction_id Optional Integer Direction of the traffic that was detected by an IPS detection.
0UnknownTraffic direction is unknown, for example as for a CLOSE operation.
1InboundAccepted an inbound connection
2OutboundInitiated an outbound connection
Destination IP dst_ip Recommended IP Address The IP address of the destination network connection device. The format is either IPv4 or IPv6.
Destination LocationЕxt dst_location Optional Location Reports the location of the IP address to which the Web Security Service connected.
Destination MACЕxt dst_mac Optional String The MAC address of the destination network connection device.
Destination NameЕxt dst_name Optional String The host name of the destination network connection device.
Destination Port dst_port Recommended Integer The port number of the destination network connection.
Destination ServiceЕxt dst_service Optional String The destination network connection service name.
EtherTypeЕxt ether_type Optional Integer The EtherType indicates which protocol is encapsulated in the payload of an Ethernet frame.
HTTP StatusЕxt http_status Recommended Integer The HTTP status code returned to the client.
HTTP User-AgentЕxt http_user_agent Recommended String The request header that is used to identify the operating system and web browser.
LocalЕxt local Optional Boolean The indication of whether the connection is between two endpoints on the same device. For example, if Source IP (src_ip) and Destination IP (dst_ip) could be the same.
ProtocolЕxt protocol_id Optional Integer The network protocol as defined by RFC1340. For example: TCP=6 and UDP=17.
Protocol VersionЕxt protocol_version Optional Integer The version of the network protocol.
Request HeadersЕxt request_headers Optional JSON The additional information associated with and HTTP request.
Response HeadersЕxt response_headers Optional JSON The additional information associated with and HTTP response.
RPCЕxt rpc Optional Remote Procedure Call The RPC object that pertains to the network connection.
Source IP src_ip Recommended IP Address The IP address of the device that initiated the network connection.
Source LocationЕxt src_location Optional Location The location associated with the client IP address.
Source MACЕxt src_mac Optional String The MAC address of the device that initiated the network connection.
Source NameЕxt src_name Optional String The host name of the device that initiated the network connection.
Source Port src_port Recommended Integer The port number of the source device.
Source ServiceЕxt src_service Optional String The source network connection service name.
IANA Service NameЕxt svc_name Optional String The service name as defined by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). See Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry.
TCP FlagsЕxt tcp_flags Recommended Integer The network connection TCP header flags (i.e., control bits).
TLSЕxt tls Recommended TLS The Transport Layer Service attributes
Connection Unique IDЕxt uid Optional String The unique identifier of the connection.
URLЕxt url Optional Uniform Resource Locator The URL object that pertains to the network connection.